
Companion #08: 30 Jahre Kunst

Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys, 2017


Kunstverein München e.V. and Roma Publications
German / English, softcover, 192 pages, 20.8 x 29.7 cm
ISBN 978-9491843891


This 'Verkaufskatalog' contains images, prices, material descriptions, and gallery designations for each of the works included in the exhibition 30 Jahre Kunst by artists Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys at Kunstverein München.
Over 192 black and white pages, the diverse spectrum of the artists’ collaborative practice is represented – drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, kinetic objects, videos. Additionally, a number of lost, destroyed, and forgotten works have also been included, as well as new works commissioned on occasion of the exhibition.

Edited by Jos de Gruyter and Harald Thys.
Captions by Post Brothers and Vincent Van Gompel.
Designed by Julie Peeters and Harald Thys.

Price € 18.00
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